Continuing with the Microsoft Access VBA programming series, building Access label reports is pretty straight forward (especially with the built-in wizard tool).
As a snapshot and quick peek into my Microsoft access database eBook, here’s some more information to help establish your options.
This type of report can be used for printing label address information to fit a pre-defined or custom defined label sheet (normally an adhesive or plain paper sheet). It can be based on a Table, Query or another external data source altogether (i.e. Excel or Outlook).
It can also be used for creating badges, product labels, category name cards and other simple types of data layout reports.
Some users will use Microsoft Word’s Mail Merge feature instead of the basic Access Label report where data from an Microsoft access database can support other Office applications.
If you are going to take advantage of the ‘one-stop’ solution, then keeping it all within the Microsoft access database environment makes sense and therefore the Label report option will be your way forward.
There are three ways to produce such a report:
1. Using the Label report wizard tool – quick and essay to use.
2. Building a Label report from scratch – requires a plan and time.
3. Using Microsoft access database VBA code to dynamically generate your Label report – the most effective but some programming is required.
2. Building a Label report from scratch – requires a plan and time.
3. Using Microsoft access database VBA code to dynamically generate your Label report – the most effective but some programming is required.
This article covers just the first one as we have already shown you how to build Microsoft access database report and therefore you can extrapolate this information should you wish to attempt one.
The third option requires some VBA (Microsoft Access VBA programming) code knowledge and is outside the scope of this guide.
In any case, the first option is the simplest and quickest way to proceed and is highly recommended. You can always then tweak it in design view mode giving you full design control.
Step 1: Make sure you have identified the source for your report; a Table or Query and select the object in the Navigation Pane (but do not open it).
I’m going to locate all my ‘UK’ customers and therefore will use a simple query first which I’ve called qry_Customers_UK.
SQL for my query:
SELECT Customers.[Customer ID], Customers.[Company Name], Customers.[Contact Name], Customers.[Contact Title], Customers.Address, Customers.City, Customers.Region, Customers.[Postal Code], Customers.Country FROM Customers WHERE (((Customers.Country)=”uk”)) ORDER BY Customers.[Company Name];.
34 Edgwarebury Lane,Edgware,Middlesex,HA88LW,UK