Of course, one assumes you have also pre-prepared and built either the forms or reports that will be linked and associated to each tab added which will require using the wizard or templates available.
I always suggest a plan before building these forms and reports and have suggested many times from my previous blog posts in the past of the approach to the above. In order to keep your Microsoft access tutorial  forms optimised and perform well, some useful tips may help when build a form.
Microsoft Access Database
I like the way this video uses both the property sheet and ribbon bar to easily set and apply various properties which also uses the right-mouse click action to quickly gain access between views (via the tab).
The music may not be to your taste but I find having music on in the background really helps me when I design Microsoft Access database forms. It can even be some heavy rock!
If you want to learn more about Microsoft access tutorial forms, take a look at me great offer eBook which comes with a 30 day email support.
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